

Marketing insights from our expert team

Why Do Clients Leave?

Why Do Clients Leave?

If you were to believe most digital agencies, then they would say they never lose clients and everybody loves their agency. Yet clients leave and move around more than most agencies would like to...

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Communication is King

Communication is King

So, another week has gone by and we’ve just had our weekly team meeting. I know every business has them, (if you don’t then why not?) but, do you ardently stick to them? Now, I guarantee that at...

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Cross Device Activity

Cross Device Activity

The attribution modeling within your Adwords Interface has now been given a makeover to include Cross Device Activity to give marketers more insight into the relationship between mobile, tablet and...

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Expanded Text Ads

Expanded Text Ads

If you've tried to make a new advert in your AdWords account today - you may have had a surprise! Google's new expanded text ads that were announced in May have now been set live in the majority of...

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