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Google changes AGAIN!
“If it isn’t broke then don’t try to fix it” is definitely NOT a mantra that Google works by. So were now a third of the way through the year (time flies when your having fun) and Google has...
Top 5 tips for Remarketing
I know it’s been a couple of weeks since our last instalment but I can honestly say that by the looks of it my New Year’s businesses Resolutions are paying off. I’m two and half months in and...
Top 5 tips for AdWords Product Listing Ads – PLAs
It’s Ok, I’ve had an AdWords review and there’s nothing that can be done, we’re running Product Listing Ads”. What? This standard response has been occurring at an increasing rate over the last few...
Top 5 tips for reviewing your AdWords performance.
This week I’m going to set you all a challenge! If you think your AdWords account advertises only in the UK, I’ll bet you it doesn’t. Book a review and if you advertise in the UK only and your ads...
2014 AdWords predictions are they worth the pixels they’re written in?
2013 has come to a close and everyone is back at work and I was sat thinking about what to write for my first insightful blog of the year. Do I go down the route of making Nostradamusesque (is that...
Are you Happy with this year? If not why not?
Well 2013 is nearly done and Wow what a year it has been for me both personally and business wise. If I’m honest 2012 was a tough year for me but what a difference 12 months can make. What has been...
Are you still chasing the quick fix CTR dream?
As I said in my last blog back in 2009 miracles could be performed for clients by dramatically improving an account’s CTR. Get CTR right and instant stardom awaited you. The simple 3 step process I...
Are you a Sales Prevention Officer or an Ecommerce Manager?
Lately the more I speak with new prospects the more frustrated I become. 90% of the people I do an analysis with on their account are still using ancient strategies that are driving their online...
Google, Behind Closed Doors!
Some of you may know I was invited out to San Francisco to visit Google’s Headquarters in Mountain View or Silicon Valley as some of you will know it. For an AdWords enthusiast like me, Google...
Are You Fawlty Towers online?
Recently I had the privilege of spending an evening with Basil Fawlty, Cybil and Manuel at the Edinburgh Festival. The event was the Fawlty Towers dining experience, where Basil and co. takes over a...
What do Google’s Account Managers really do for you?
I’ve noticed a pattern appearing of late when speaking to new potential clients and it’s one that slightly concerns me. A large percentage of these people tell me they are okay because they have a...
Top 10 AdWords Warning Signs
I’ve found there are three types of advertiser on AdWords and Bing – those in the know, those who suspect they might not be fully in the picture and the blissfully ignorant. The smart and savvy are...
AdWords Product Rotators and Dynamic Remarketing – The New Gold Mine?
So your all now on enhanced campaigns, Google’s latest big change! Some of you were ready others not so. Well while you were all getting prepared for enhanced campaigns, Google rolled out a new...
Improve PPC Response with AdWords Enhanced Campaigns
Over the past 3-4 months many of you who have been looking after your AdWords management on a regular basis will have noticed an alert from Google offering you the opportunity to change your AdWords...
How to identify AdWords Talent?
With our first glimpse of summer, it seems Internet marketing staff are moving around. But it may equally be that summer has nothing to do with it and many have been caught short with poor...
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